Sun Smart Policy

The Manly Warringah Athletics Centre is an active supporter of “Sun Smart” Sport – A joint initiative of the NSW Dept. of Health, NSW Dept. of Sport & Recreation and the NSW Cancer Council. The “Sun Smart” initiative encourages children, official and parents to protect themselves from the harmful effects of overexposure to the sun during sports competition.

Our ongoing plans to extend the amount of permanent shade cover at Narrabeen are one aspect of our Sun Smart policy. We already have permanent shade shelters at the 100 metre start and at the start of the back track, where the hurdles, 700 metre, 1500 metre and 1100 metre walk commences and near the 200 metre start.

In addition though, all parents and children should be taking the following steps to adequately protect themselves from the sun:-

  1. Wear a hat and cover up clothing when not in competition – preferably a shirt with long sleeves and a collar
  2. Always apply sunscreen regularly on Saturday mornings
  3. Stand or rest in the shade areas provided whenever possible
  4. Don’t be ‘fooled by the cool’ – you can still receive enough UV radiation to damage your skin spending four hours at the track on a cloudy day as well as in bright sunlight

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